Joyoldelf Pipe Set, Short Handle Curved Pipe with Foldable Pipe Stand Holde : ys0000021741278747 : JOYFUL Lab
¥7,358 税込
最短翌日配送Joyoldelf Pipe Set, Short Handle Curved Pipe with Foldable Pipe Stand Holde : ys0000021741278747 : JOYFUL Lab
Joyoldelf Pipe Set, Short Handle Curved Pipe with Foldable Pipe Stand Holder, Beginner Pipe Kit with Gift Box and Accessories
Design- The exquisite pipe is a bent shape, which is designed to provide a comfortable using experience. It also features a bracket, which allows the pipe to be rested on a surface when not in use. The pipe also comes with a pipe screen, which is used to prevent debris and ash from entering the smokers mouth.brAccessories- The curved pipe comes with several accessories to enhance the using experience. These include a pipe pouch, which is used to store the pipe when not in use, and a pipe scraper, which is used to clean the bowl of the pipe after using. Other accessories may include a tamper, which is used to fill the bowl, and a pipe tool, which is used to clean the stem of the pipe.brUsage- The pipe is designed for a unique experience and is typically used for relaxation and enjoyment. It can be used indoors or outdoors and is often enjoyed in social settings or as a solitary activity. Proper care and maintenance of the pipe and its accessories are important for maintaining the quality of the using experience.brMaterial- The beautiful pipe is made of bakelite, a type of early plastic that was commonly used in the manufacturing of pipes in the early 20th century. Bakelite is known for its durability and resistance to heat.brSize- The size of the pipe for men can vary, but it is typically small enough to be held in one hand. The bowl of the pipe is usually large enough to hold a moderate amount of pipe fillers, but not so large as to be unwieldy.
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