JITTERYGIT Robot Police Mech Glow in The Dark Toy Cop Gift, SWAT Action Fig : ys0000037041336253 : Pink Carat
¥15,303 税込
通販ブランド専門店JITTERYGIT Robot Police Mech Glow in The Dark Toy Cop Gift, SWAT Action Fig : ys0000037041336253 : Pink Carat
JITTERYGIT Robot Police Mech Glow in The Dark Toy Cop Gift, SWAT Action Figure Buildable STEM Building Superheroes Soldier - Cool Present for Boys, Girls, Kids, Children Ages 6 7 8 9 10 Year Olds
A ton of Pieces for a ton of Fun Action-packed robot building construction fun for kids is endless with 279 pieces to create three forms including a Robot , a K-9 Unit, and Police Car. A kid can have fun building the figures, creating stories for them, and customizing them with glow-in-the-dark, stickers. Use buildable blocks to create an army of super outer space robotic heroes. Includes instructions to help kids learn how to put the pieces together. br Unique Glow-in-the-Dark Feature This Robotryx set comes with DIY glow-in-the-dark stickers for a novel play pattern. After kids build and create characters, they can customize them with stickers, then turn out the lights for glow in the dark play Children will imagine ultimate space themed universe wars with futuristic vehicles and weapons that glow. br A Deluxe Gift Idea For kids who love building toys, action figures, and glow in the dark fun, this is the perfect gift. Parents will love that it encourages STEM and STEAM concepts including reasoning, storytelling, strategizing, engineering. A terrific present whether for Christmas, birthday, special occasions, a reward for good grades, or any holiday. With lots of pieces, three different builds, limitless stories to create, plus diy glow in the dark stickers, this deluxe set makes the ultimate present for young boys gifts age 7. br Includes a Handy Storage Case Comes with a storage box to store all the pieces inside so that they are not loose, easily lost, or cause clutter. Perfect for both children s indoor and outdoor play. The storage coop is perfect for on the go travel fun so kids can take the fun wherever they go. br Robotryx line is hours of fun Robotryx robot building toys let kids craft and construct awesome entertainment with classic battle combat. The tales they tell as they build different robot forms help develop kids imaginations. The glow in the dark customizations add to the storytelling possibilities. Best of all, Robotryx toys can be mixed and matched so kids can collect all the characters in the line for epic adventures and mash-up play. br All Ages love Robotryx Two of kids favorite things are building and action figure play. Robotryx toys make a great introduction to both. Perfect for 7 through 12 yr olds boys, teen aged and beyond. The new Robotryx Voltroid police toys for kids are great fun for childrens imaginations at any age. br Safe play for kids Designed in the USA, this Robotryx product is safe and easy to use. Its plastic pieces are strong, sturdy, and not too small to be a danger to little ones. Safety plays an important role in what we make and you can consult the instruction booklet for further resources. The interlocking pieces are easy to assemble, not bendable or breakable, with no sharp edges.
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